Saturday, 31 May 2008

Incoherent ramblings from an idle mind

The sun disturbs me. It appears to want to control too much. It controls when most of the world wakes, it controls the growth and progress of the artificial. With an annoying obstinence, it insists on restoring the natural order of things. Notice how artificial colour fades under prolonged exposure to sunlight? Do we now realise the inherent bias when natural colours are allowed to thrive with such wild, vibrant abandon? Look at the sun. Valiantly trying to erase all anti-ageing miracles and whitening nonsense.

Let it be sun. Let it be. You know that you are going to burn out one day don't you? So what are you trying to achieve? I grant you a grudging admiration for your determined attitude. But its doomed my dearest ball of fire. Doomed.

People should stop trying to be happy. Happiness is an unnatural state of life. You need to exercise muscles to smile. That is evidence enough that a blue melancholy is the natural order of things. So rejoice my fellow people! Stop aiming for the unnatural! Let gladness seep into your heart when all is bleak.

I dreamt that i won a prize. However Mr Mah Bow Tan wasn't around to see me receive it. His wife was sent in his stead. I remember the utter despondence i felt as my eyes slowly opened upon the fine print of 'Mrs'. Well i woke up. Mr Mah Bow Tan-less world. Prizeless world.

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