A bus stop: I wait as usual for my bus after a long tiring day in school. Beside me stands, oh so wonderfully the object on whom my love is to be tested. Rather than hoping my bus comes before his (as i always do with my friends), i would wish his comes before mine.
When/If that thought entered my mind, i would know that i was in love.
To understand the above, one must have a clear picture of the social strains accompanying waiting at a crowded bus stop outside a girls school. To wait alone, i am ashamed to say...was a very uncomfortable thing... especially when you are at the age of adolescence. Then i thought, when i was willing to put my discomfort above his, i would be in love.
Today, i have a different view. :) I'll know when I'm in love upon the onset of a strange phenomenon. But this test can only happen if he lives above me and we use the same lift. HAHAHA! the likelihood of that?!
Lets set the scene...
A Lift: I live on the 9th floor, the object lives on the 15th. Every time i get out of the lift, be it at the ground floor or my floor I'll press the button 15. Just so he'll have the lift waiting for him if he ever wants to get on.
And how has the maturity of my thought progressed? HAHAHA! But there is a difference... Its no longer self sacrifice, but a more sensible priority rearrangement and respect.
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