Break, break, break,
On thy cold gray stones, O Sea!
And I would that my tongue could utter
The thoughts that arise in me.
Sometimes I wonder about our generation, my generation. Yesterday, I had Wei Biao crazily ranting that in life everything but love was intangible and ephemeral. Quickly, my tongue expressed the sentiment-"how base!" I know I know... attack me about my horrid cynicism. =/ But its not only me. I'm just one of the few that articulate what others do in actions. Take the long distance relationship issue. How many times have you nodded in approval when someone takes the so called "higher" path and chooses exposure, career, or even better...a higher calling? It doesn't matter if they leave the ones they love romantically behind. For somehow romantic love has taken the lowest tier, falling far behind intellectual fullfillment, the pursual of dreams, the climbing of the career ladder, family love, godly love, friendship... You name it, and people would probably place romantic love behind all of these supposedly more noble pursuits.
Yet, without it so many of them are unsatisfied. Sure you have the people who insist that they don't need it currently. But, we all know that that feeling comes in waves. A tertiary education overseas can range between anything from 3-13 years. What makes us so confident that we can exist on our "higher" more "noble" diets? When we cannot, don't we just go round searching for that base love where we are? After leaving behind all that we could have had in pursit of that which is supposedly transient, didn't we just come a full circle? Not to mention the valuable time we wasted and the hearts we left disturbed.
Perhaps it is true. Love is base. Its low in position. So low that its the support all other higher intangibles rest on. 不得不爱 :) So, what on earth are all of us doing?! My respect goes out to all who were willing to acknowledge this fact and better still, take a risk in its favour.
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