I want to go up to every single person in my life and ask the all important question...
"What do you want from me?"
It'll make life so simple. Provided they are honest of course.
Mistrust is so damaging to one's psyche... If I knew exactly what people wanted from me, I'll never have to mistrust anyone! Think, a life without suspicion.
Wonderful idea... It'll be rather socially unacceptable though. Big problem would be that most people don't really know. If they don't know what they themselves want, it would be hilarious to presume that they know what they want from others.
Random comment, but I really appreciate the DUDE's efforts with regards to the timing of nature. Flowers before leaves... Marvelous arrangement. Too much beauty would cancel each other out. There really is something about the velvet of the petals against the stark gnarled branches, unhindered by the gloss of leaves. SPRING!
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