Tuesday 25 November 2008

A nugget of truth

Now, read Alison's stream of consciousness for the next 3 minutes till 12.56am.

!2.56, I'm at 12.53am. !2.%3 Am, its damn hard to type 12.53am. My fingers are confused. See? So awkward. Jump Jump Jump. I don't like the song playing on iTunes. incomplete. =/ change. incomplete. thinking of changing. wait i can't write accurately in stream of consciousness style. i wish i typed faster. what would people think if they saw this. ! I might be exposed! haha! no. they won't get it. No one gets it. Everyone reads what i write from their own perspective, cloudy vision roses, glasses. now they will be horrified. i can't believe i wrote that. Wow. the things i do for truth. hah! I'm bullshitting again. ooops clock 12.55. i want to continue though. this is fun. 12.55. 12.55.1 2.55 again. numbers are hard to type My hand is getting tired. can smell my supper of fried chicken and potato pancakes. ooops 12.56. can i cheat? no no. 12.56 12.56 12.56 12.56. okay okay stop stalling. STOP. stop.

This is my attempt at truth. Recently, people close to me have been writing extremely heartrending, honest to god stuff on their blogs. Inspired, i tried. However, i failed. My most vulnerable and true thoughts are too mine for someone else to read. What lies above is my attempt at providing some truth.

1 comment:

zazooka said...

ok, u write like virginia woolf at times..