For the umpteenth time, this phrase has been uttered to me... "I don't get it! Why him? Whats so good about him! He is ____, ____, ____!" Fill in the blanks. Perhaps it is true. I do have bad taste in men. Well, not necessarily bad taste... But not common. I don't go for the conventionally hot ones, the nice ones, the sweet ones. Instead, I'm always drawn to the ones who are significantly "Off" Haha! Sorry if any one of you erm... still read this blog hahaha! But still, they always need to have something wrong about them. Something socially unacceptable, something visibly hurt or awkwardness perhaps, complexity always.
The new guy has unfortunately broken all previous records. This one's arrogance is hated by my roomie and has chalked up the all time high score of being called detestable by my senior - In his face. It must be something to inspire UGH! sounds everytime your name is mentioned :) How fun!
Ahhh... But ignore all that, this post is for me to search within for a deeper underlying meaning. WHY? Why all these people that are so caught up in their own deformities, they will never truly notice me? Am I a hidden masochist? HAHA! well well well...

Thats's my expression now hehehe!
After reading,I still don't understand the meaning of the Title..
Erm, well they call women the "fairer" sex.
I put a twist to the title cause I was talking about men. And so if women are "fairer", men must be "darker".
Uh. When I used "darker", I was also implying stuff like the content in my blog. The darker of side of people.
"I don't go for the conventionally hot ones, the nice ones, the sweet ones. Instead, I'm always drawn to the ones who are significantly "Off" Haha!..."
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