Its strange cause it seems as if our parents are the ones we find hardest to forgive. Their deceit, their mistakes, their flaws... For someone like me that never stops thinking, all that my parents did has been replayed thousands upon thousands of times in my mind, the reasons explored from an infinite amount of angles, the emotional pain of every lash experienced thousandfold. Perhaps its true. We do put the highest expectations upon those we love. I can't begin to explain the depth of feeling between my parents and I. The depth of misunderstanding, hatred, hidden grievances, simmering anger, disdain, grudges... the sorrow, the emptiness, the longing. For all that, there must be something... love may be the wrong word. But words like need and bond will be rightly used.
We really are tied to them by an inextricable bond. Not to say that it is good or bad, but it exists. So I guess it makes sense when everyone relates stuff back to their parents... But, I just feel the need to caution about it. Using our parents as an explanation for how messed up we are gives us a very convenient excuse to ignore the part we played, furthermore it removes the incentive for us to become better. Worse still, it sticks us in a trap which we can't get out of, one which our children will not be able to avoid as well.
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