Saturday 10 January 2009


My exams are over... Honestly, I've never felt so much pain in my life studying before.

Reading out the characters one at a time, checking my dictionary ever so often... trying to make sense of the warped logic and circular reasoning. Well.. Just another 3 1/2 years to GO! Bit impressed at my ability to concentrate though... :) Never before in my life have I been so driven to desperation...

That aside. I'm going back! Unfortunately.. I'm typing this in Hong Kong now... The dastardly plane was DELAYED and I am currently stuck in Transit for I missed my horrid plane... by 2 teeny weeny tiny MINUTES. resent resent resent.

Fret not, the anxiety is back. Anyway... The end of a semester. The return to an old life. It kind of nice... having two lives 5 hours by SQ away from each other and 12 wasted hours by Cathay and Dragon Air. Will draft VICIOUS COMPLAINT! haha but that aside, Its like having two homes... I will always have another place to go. :) For the next 3 1/2 years anyway. :)

P.S. To my shanghai family- I'll see you in a month! 老妈茄子 as our reunion dinner!


YY said...

Haha laomaqiezi? ON!! :D

hairygorillaz said...


Have fun in Singapore.